
Sunday 8 July 2012

Arsenal's Agony

Just a few months ago Arsenal appeared to have it all. They were winning consistently, 4th in the league after a shambolic start, one of the most prolific striker the league has ever seen and Henry was back in town, albeit for a short time.

Now we see a different story- Robin Van Persie has stated he will not sign another contract with Arsenal and Arsenal fans crumbled, just se the reaction of Piers Morgan on Twitter. Yes they had signed Podolski and Giroud but how would they survive the PL without their former God? Add to this misery that if RVP leaves, then another big name might leave- Theo Walcott, after having such a sterling Euros has said that if RVP leaves then he is likely to follow.

RVPs statement has alerted huge names in world football- Manchester City, Juventus and AC Milan are all interested. RVP may not have scored nor created every goal for Arsenal but no one can deny that when the Dutchman plays, Arsenals spirits lift.

Another problem the Gunners face is the lack of quality Gervinho has shown on the Arsenal wing throughout last season- have they signed another Arshavin? Unless he picks up his game it appears they just might have. But until he proves otherwise Gervinho does not warrant a starting position next season especially with young Chamberlain containing so much potential.
Keeping with the failed transfer scene- two centre backs that were meant to complement Vermaelen and restore some solidity to Arsenal have failed miserably. Squillaci and Mertesacker all came relatively unheard of and therefore many were shocked by relatively large transfer fees paid by Wenger. Neither have provided solidity and both quickly found their way to the bench. The only centre that looks capable of turning into a Premier League centre back is Koscielny, but fans and Wenger are relying on a swift increase in quality off the Frenchman. It is probable that Wenger will look to sell the likes of Chamakh, Djourou, Squillaci and Bendtner to fund extra transfers. Chamakh himself has been linked with a move to Fiorentina.

To compound Arsenal and England fans woes Jack Wilshere has still not recovered from the injury that rule him out of almost all of last season. He will miss the start of this year's campaign. This is another major blow as when he plays Arsenal gain a young creative edge. Can Arsenal rely on Oxlade-Chamberlain, Arteta and Podolski next season? Or are they in trouble? In our opinion Wenger needs to invest in a centre back capable of matching Vermaelen. Another attacking midfielder and a winger to be able to compete without RVP and Walcott. But to many fans, Arsenal may have lost a God.

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